Budget Hearings Will Be Held This Week For Shasta County

Shasta County’s annual budget hearings kick off Tuesday during the Board of Supervisors meeting and the public is encouraged to take notice as spending will be laid out for the next fiscal year starting July 1st. Each county department will have present their spending proposals in open session, so none of the expenditures should come as a surprise over the coming year. That begins Tuesday morning with County Administration and County Counsel, followed Tuesday afternoon by the Assessor/Recorder, the Auditor/Controller, the Clerk and Elections and the Treasurer/Tax Collector, as well as Child Support, Information Technology and Support Services. On Wednesday presentations will be made by Health and Human Services and public resources including Public Works, Agriculture and Resource Management. It’ll wrap up on Thursday with the public safety agencies. After the last of the presentations a public comment period about the budget overview will be provided on Thursday. The overall proposed budget is available for review on the county’s website at shastacounty.gov.

– Steve Gibson