Deputy Serving Eviction Noticed Pepper Sprayed In Red Bluff

A Tehama County Sheriff’s Deputy was pepper sprayed while serving an eviction notice Wednesday morning at a trailer park on Chestnut Avenue. Deputies knocked at the front door and there was no answer so they went inside. One of them then opened a bedroom door and was sprayed in the eyes with pepper spray by the occupant, Grady Duffy. The deputies retreated from the trailer and called for backup from Red Bluff Police and Tehama County Probation. Duffy refused to come outside. Officers tried using Max the K9 to go in after him but Duffy came to the door and used a furniture dolly to block the dog from entering. At that point officers used a Taser on Duffy, which temporarily worked but he continued to resist when the effects wore off. Max was then sent after Duffy again and he was taken into custody. After being cleared at the hospital he was booked into jail.