Early Voting Underway In Shasta County, Last Day To Register To Vote Is October 21st

Every registered voter should have received their ballot in the mail by now. The last day to register is next Monday the 21st. Early voting is underway, with drop boxes in service all over the county. In addition to a large slate of candidates and a batch of state initiatives, several local measures will also be appearing on the November ballot. Shasta Union High School District will be floating an infrastructure bond of $56.6 Million to be used for building maintenance and improvements. Pacheco School District will try to adopt a $14.5 Million infrastructure bond measure, as well as a $14.7 Million bond to build a new school. None of the school bond money can be used for salaries. There are two county-wide measures to make amendments to the Shasta County Charter. Measure P would limit the county’s use of eminent domain, forbidding it to be used to pass property from one private owner to another private owner. Measure Q would allow the Board of Supervisors to fill elected department head mid-term vacancies through either appointment or special election, at the board’s discretion. Information on the election can be found at elections.shastacounty.gov.

-Steve Gibson