Hot & Dry Conditions Return As Crews See Increased Activity On Some Lightning Sparked Fires

Hotter and drier conditions will increase activity on the Thousands of acres of Northern California lightning fires.

Increased activity is expected on the Head, Elliot and Ufish Fires, which are part of the 31,300 acre Happy Camp Complex. The complex is 57% contained after destroying 9 structures and killing one civilian.

The Pearch Fire east of Orleans has burned over 5,830 acres with 9% containment.

The Blue Creek 2 and Copper Fires around the East Fork of Blue Creek have burned more than 4,900 acres with no containment.

The Smith River Complex in Del Norte County has burned 87,200 acres with 21% overall containment. About 10,000 acres of that is in Oregon. Strategic firing operations are causing intermittent closures of Highway 199.