Jury Finds Man Guilty On Felony Charges After Wrong Way Chase On I-5

A Tehama County jury has convicted a man on felony charges after he was chased relentlessly by Corning Police. On June 19th an officer tried to pull over David Raymond Robinson for having expired registration on his car. Robinson led the officer on Southbound Interstate 5 at 100 miles an hour, then through the streets of Corning while running multiple stop signs and red lights. At one point he drove directly toward a police car and then side-swiped it. That officer continued the chase back onto I-5 going south in the northbound lanes until the officer rear-ended Robinson and forced him off the road. He was finally caught after a foot chase. Last Thursday Robinson was found guilty of felony reckless evading and felony evading while driving the wrong way, as well as misdemeanor assault on a peace officer.

-Steve Gibson