The Lassen Park Highway has finally opened following a difficult Winter. The 30 mile stretch of Highway 89 is a yearly challenge for plow operators, who generally start in early-to-mid-April on a roadway that reaches an elevation of 8500 feet with snowdrifts that can be as deep as 40 feet. Sometimes the plows meet in the middle as early as the first week of May, but this year was delayed due to the wetter than average Winter and Spring. It’s certainly not the latest opening- that was in 2017 when it didn’t open until July 27th. Records date back to 1931. This Winter saw some damage done at Sulphur Works, where 30 feet of sidewalk collapsed and some of the road is undermined. Intermittent closures for repairs along the road will continue through the season. Juniper Lake Campground and Drakesbad Guest Ranch will remain closed all season to allow recovery from the Dixie Fire. Up to date information about Lassen Volcanic National Park can be found at