Laura Hobbs Requests Recount After Loss In District 2 Supervisors Race

The District Two Shasta County Supervisors Race will be recounted at the request of Laura Hobbs. She took 19% in the 4-person contest, coming in second to Allen Long’s 50.13%. He got just 14 votes more than half, allowing him to avoid a runoff in the fall. The Elections Office will begin counting at 9 O’clock Monday morning and continue at least 6 hours a day until all the votes are counted or the requester calls it off or the requester fails to pay for it. The estimated cost for just the first day is $8,627. Hobbs has been trying to raise funds online through crowdsourcing. She also has taken steps to file a lawsuit that names the County and Registrar Cathy Darling-Allen along with election winner Allen Long.

-Steve Gibson