Man Sentenced To 25-Years-To-Life For 2022 Stabbing At Downtown RABA Terminal

A sentence has been given in a brutal Downtown Redding attempted murder. On the morning of December 10th 2022, a 66-year-old man was at the RABA main bus terminal off California Street when he bent over to pick up a Quarter. Without apparent provocation, 35-year-old Timothy Brandon Atkins stabbed the man twice in the back and said he was going to kill him. The victim had no idea who his attacker was and said he had never seen him. Police arrested Atkins the next day loitering at the crime scene because they recognized him from surveillance images. Atkins initially pleaded not guilty but last Monday he decided to plead no contest to premeditated attempted murder and acknowledged having two prior strikes. On Thursday Atkins was sentenced to 25-years-to-life in prison.

-Steve Gibson