Man Sentenced To Over 2 Years In Prison After Violent Drunken Behavior

There seems to be a common thread to the violent behavior of a 25-year-old Los Molinos man. Jesse Novoa’s most recent arrest was in May. He was intoxicated and running through the Red Bluff Taco Bell parking lot with people chasing him trying to calm him down. When police arrived Novoa threatened them. Officers tried to subdue him and he kicked one in the groin, kicked another in the arm and elbowed another in the eye. He kept kicking, biting and headbutting until he was taken away. Novoa was also drunk when he walked into a stranger’s house and she called police, who arrived to find him outside. They took him to a hospital, where he had an outburst, kicking an officer in the head and another in the stomach. He was strapped to a hospital bed and broke his restraints. Novoa has been sentenced to 2-and-a-half years in prison.