A 26-year-old Oregon man has been sentenced for plowing into a hotel in Red Bluff and causing major damage, then trying to flee the scene. Prior to the crash on May 9th Ryker Kenneth Kay had been fighting with his new girlfriend and tried to throw her in the river at the city park. When two people came to her aid, Kay got into his pickup, drove recklessly out of the parking lot and barreled across Main Street, losing control and smashing into the Red Bluff Inn. There was major damage to two buildings at the hotel and a 75-year-old man suffered minor injuries when a TV fell on him as the truck drove through his room. Police found Kay covered in water and blood several blocks away. He resisted arrest and fought with officers, kicking one of them after arriving at the hospital. Kay has been sentenced to 240 days in jail and a prison sentence of nearly 3 years that’s suspended on condition of 3 years probation.
-Steve Gibson