Shasta County’s unemployment rate in March was a half of a percentage point above last March, reflecting a trend seem statewide and across the country. The 6.3% last month is an improvement over February’s 6.9%. In March of last year it was 5.8%. Joblessness has been creeping upward for the last couple of years following a dramatic recovery from the devastating effect that the Covid pandemic had on the job market. As far as industries, nominal losses were seen in manufacturing, as well as the leisure and hospitality sector. Considerable growth was seen in construction, as well as private education and health services. The overall labor force grew by 1,500 workers compared to a year ago. Tehama County had a 6.9% unemployment rate last month, while it was 7.1% in Trinity County and 8.3% in Siskiyou County. The statewide rate was 5.3% and it was 3.9% nationally.
– Steve Gibson