Saturday is a “Fee Free Day” at Whiskeytown National Recreation Area and all the other destinations in the National Park system. Some special events are happening next week in honor of National Park Week. Restoration efforts following the Carr Fire have been very successful, with 90% of the recreation area re-opened. Brandy Creek Beach re-opens for the Summer season this Friday. On Sunday the 21st volunteers are needed to help pick up litter along the lakeshore for cleanup day. They’ll meet at Oak Bottom Beach for the 9AM to Noon event. On the following Sunday, April 28th, an interpretive ranger will lead a walking tour of the Tower House Historic District, including an opportunity to try gold panning. That starts at the Tower House Trailhead at 10AM. More information is at This Saturday also happens to be Earth Day, with a big free event happening at Caldwell Park in Redding from 11AM to 4PM.
– Steve Gibson