Reward Down To $300 As Asphalt Cowboys Release Thursday’s Clues

There’s still money to be claimed following a mock bank robbery as part of Redding Rodeo Week. Tuesday morning the Lone Stranger and Accomplice robbed the Golden Valley Bank on Hemsted Drive and, as usual, the Asphalt Cowboys were unable to stop them. After just one clue, the loot was found Tuesday. Chantel Davis won a reward of $500 for finding the loot taped on the underside of a bench at Redding Regional Airport. The reward for identifying the Lone Stranger and Accomplice is now down to $300. Here’s Thursday’s clue:

The haul that they took made them both amped, they said, “Surely our place in history is stamped.” One started to complain about the area’s heat, but was quickly reminded of a place for a treat.

If you can identify both of them call 530-223-1188.

Check our Facebook Page for the clues each day.

-Steve Gibson