The Redding Rodeo Association will look to extend its lease on Tuesday. The lease is due to expire in 2026, but the city and a consultant are working on a Riverfront Specific Plan that may not be done by then. The association will ask for a lease extension to 2029 to allow for the completion of the plan before any permanent decisions are made concerning the permanent home of the rodeo. The cost of the lease is contracted at $50 per year. The extension would require the construction of several improvements to the rodeo arena to meet building code standards and provide more accessibility for the disabled. The specific plan will combine land use policies, transportation and mobility improvements, development standards and requirements, cultural enhancement and preservation projects and environmental protection policies for that side of the Sacramento River from the Rodeo Grounds to the Cypress Avenue Bridge.
During Tuesday’s meeting, the council will also consider a boost in rates for water, wastewater and solid waste. They’ll also announce the disbursement of $2.3 Million of homelessness relief funding.