RPD: Traffic Stop Leads To Seizure Of Fentanyl & Meth

A traffic stop Thursday afternoon in South Redding led to drugs, which led to other places with more drugs, according to the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office. The AB109 Compliance Team made a traffic stop near Westwood Village on a car occupied by Danae Chantel Bovee and William Brian Hamilton. Both have been convicted of drug dealing. Ace the K9 alerted to the scent of drugs so the car was searched and deputies reported finding 17 Grams of Fentanyl and 5 Grams of Methamphetamine, along with $2,000 and evidence of sales. Search warrants were acquired for a room at the Hilton Garden Inn where the two had been staying, as well as a house on Terrace Drive. The different locations yielded a reported total of more than 7 Ounces of Fentanyl, an Ounce of Meth and $30,000.