Supervisors Will Vote On Salary Resolution That Will Reopen Shuttered Floor At The Shasta County Jail

A salary resolution expected to be passed by the Shasta County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday will allow Sheriff Michael Johnson to move forward with his plan to reopen the shuttered floor of the jail. The floor has been closed since July of last year due to an inability to retain correctional deputies. Sworn deputies and non-sworn personnel alike will be used to fill the staffing shortage until the vacant positions can be filled. When the third floor was closed in July of last year, there were shortages in other divisions, including patrol, that made it impossible to move deputies into the jail. Those divisions are now at much higher staffing levels, making the shift possible. Tuesday’s resolution will change the staffing assignments at the jail as well as the annex in South Redding at an increased cost of $500,000. The funding should be covered by AB109 revenue from the state.