Think Pink Day Actives Underway, Resource Fair Will Be Held At The Sundial Bridge

Thursday is Think Pink Day, when 40,000 bags containing goodies, a calendar and information about fighting breast cancer will be handed out from 6AM to 9AM at the Tri Counties Bank on Hilltop Drive across from the Mount Shasta Mall. Bags can be picked up at many other locations in Eastern Shasta County, Trinity County and elsewhere, including most Tri Counties Bank locations. A list is on the KQMS Facebook Page. The Pink Sundial Resource Fair is Thursday evening from 5PM to 8PM with food trucks, entertainment, speakers and information booths. There’s a free shuttle from the Mount Shasta Mall. The Think Pink concept began in Redding in the late 1990s and has since caught on worldwide. Breast Cancer is very survivable if caught early through Mammogram or self examination.

-Steve Gibson