Tire Recycling Event Planned For Saturday In Palo Cedro

Shasta County residents can get rid of old tires for free on Saturday in Palo Cedro. Last year the Shasta County Department of Resource Management collected more than 13,000 used tires. The old tires are be put to good use to make a variety of products. Up to 9 tires are accepted per vehicle, or up to 20 with an authorization letter, available by calling 225-5789. No large truck tires, equipment tires or off road tires, but tires on rims will be accepted. The collection will be done Saturday from 9AM to 2PM at Redding Christian School on Old 44 Drive in Palo Cedro. It’s open to all Shasta County residents. Illegally dumped tires can be reported at 866-618-7274.

-Steve Gibson