Water Storage At Lake Shasta Is At 113% Of The 15 Years Average

The Bureau of Reclamation is reporting a very robust supply of stored water in the reservoirs of the Central Valley Project, with a total of 7.43 Million Acre Feet. That doesn’t quite meet the 8.17 in storage a year ago, but it’s far cry from the 3.6 Million Acre Feet in 2022. The driest year on record was 1977 with 1.5. The wettest was 1983 with 9.8 Million Acre Feet. The anchor of the system is Lake Shasta, which currently holds 2.78 Million Acre Feet. That’s 61% of capacity and 113% of the 15 year average, which is pretty good considering the hottest August in 175 years of record keeping. The Central Valley Project provides irrigation to about 3 Million Acres of farmland and urban water for Millions of people.

-Steve Gibson