Win-River Move May Be Closer To Approval

A plan by Redding Rancheria to relocate Win-River Casino has taken a step closer to reality as the Department of the Interior has released a final draft environmental impact statement. The Bureau of Indian Affairs, which is under the authority of the Interior Department, will make the final decision and would hold land in trust for the tribe between Interstate 5 and the Sacramento River south of Bonnyview. The property, known as the “Strawberry Fields”, is not in city limits but was purchased from the city. A rough relationship with the tribe has resulted from the city council’s opposition and attempts to thwart the plans. The tribe wants to build a much larger casino, hotel and entertainment complex, and the city is concerned about several issues, mostly traffic impacts. There’s a 45 day public comment period before final approval of the environmental document, which can be viewed at ReddingEIS.COM

-Steve Gibson