County Health Officer Will Update Board Of Supervisors At Tuesday’s Meeting

On Tuesday the Shasta County Board of Supervisors will hear from County Health Officer Doctor James Mu. A report is due every other year on the blood-borne disease prevention project. That includes Hepatitis B and C, as well as HIV. In accordance with state law a previous board voted in 2009 to continue the project indefinitely. Last year the project collected 123,587 used syringes and needles. Public Health has 14 sharps collection kiosks around the county. Doctor Mu will also provide a general update on Public Health program activities. The board hired Doctor Mu in October of last year after being without a Health Officer since May of 2022 when the board voted 3 to 2 to fire Doctor Karen Ramstrom without cause. Doctor Mu has had a private medical practice in Shasta County for the past 30 years. He needed to further his education to be certified in public health administration, and has apparently been working toward that goal while continuing to run his private practice. During the Covid pandemic, Dr. Mu was one of the outspoken Redding doctors who opposed mask requirements and vaccination campaigns. His salary is $18,500 per month, and he has an 18 month severance package in the event he gets fired without cause.

– Steve Gibson