South Redding Mosquito Sample Tests Positive For West Nile Virus

The first sign of West Nile Virus this season has been found in Shasta County, according to Shasta Mosquito and Vector Control District. One mosquito sample gathered in the South Redding area has recently tested positive for the virus, indicating an increased risk to humans. No human cases have been reported this year in Shasta County, or statewide. About 80 percent of the time infected people experience no symptoms at all, but for one if five cases it can be deadly. It’’s carried most commonly in birds such as crows, jays, and magpies. 90 infected birds have been found statewide and 533 positive mosquito samples. Humans get infected by mosquitos that have bitten infected birds. West Nile cannot be transmitted between humans. It’s fatal for about 1 in 3 infected horses,the only species for which there is a vaccine. The best way to fight West Nile is by eliminating standing water where mosquitos breed. Significant mosquito problems can be reported at