Supervisor Crye Will Face Voters Again In March Recall Election

Some of the Shasta County Board of Supervisors most notable votes Tuesday were not votes at all. The board was required to pick a date for Kevin Crye’s recall, and it had to be one of the dates offered by the Elections Office. Cathy Darling-Allen had several dates to choose from, and after much ballyhoo the board arrived at the already-scheduled primary in March. However, Crye recused himself from the vote and Chris Kelstrom voted no. The motion went forward without them.

There was also an agenda item concerning Historic Hawes Farm, which had hoped to operate some carnival rides during their Fall Festival and possibly beyond. The state permits were secured but they needed the final go-ahead from the county. When the discussion came up, Kevin Crye, Mary Rickert and Patrick Jones all got up and left the building. They all said there were conflicts of interest because Rickert and Crye had done previous business with Hawes and Jones has a relative who works at Hawes. Without a quorum no action could be taken and no carnival rides will be allowed. There doesn’t seem to be a solution to the Hawes’ plight as long as the current board remains in office.